Sometime after the events of the Evil Dead movie trilogy, traumatized Ash is still haunted by nightmares, so he decides to return to the cabin in the forest with his new girlfriend and face his fears. History repeats itself. Eight years after the cult trilogy, Ash is back, and so are the deadites. Armed with a shotgun, a chainsaw, and a mouth full of one-liners, Ash battles for his life and the good of mankind through this horrifically funny 3D adventure… Well… maybe just for his life. The fact that this game played as an RE clone really bother me, especially considering that it was based off of a B-movie series. I'd expect a bit of a knock-off (especially from THQ) but all the originality was there where it counted. The first disc was really just a re-encounter with the movie series. The major problem with this half was the re-appearing deadites. The second half got much better, however, and gave us the unique side of this title.<br/><br/>And just as the films took their opportunities to poke fun at B-movies, the game gave us a few jokes about the survival horror genre. Truly a flawed masterpiece, meant only for those who enjoy B-games as much as they enjoy B-movies. The game is cool just like the Resident Evil games. Bruce Campbell got his lines from the movies. If you press triangle on the controller he say "come get some", "yo", "let's go", "bring it on". I heard those lines he says in the game from Army of Darkness.
Pandelee replied
337 weeks ago