A ruthless hit man, joins a group of mercenaries deep in a South American jungle. His plan is to kidnap and collect the million dollar bounty on one of the other hired soldiers during one of their guerilla missions. Unfortunately for him, other members of his squad have the same idea in mind, leading to a series of bloody confrontations in the wilderness. Luc Merenda joins up with a group of mercenaries in some undisclosed African country. He decides to go on a mission with them, but secretly does so hoping to snag a guy with a million dollar bounty on his head. Some of the other mercenaries find out and want in on the deal, needless to say it's not long before greed gets the better of them. Directed and co-written by prolific, infamous, misunderstood Joe D'Amato, this macho action film is one of his less sleazy (not UNsleazy, just less so), more comprehensible films. It's also one of the director's best films and any fan of Italian B-movie cinema will probably like it. It's a travesty that the DVD of the movie is so horrid.<br/><br/>My Grade: B <br/><br/>DVD Extras: Hmmmm.. we get..nope, nothing (worse than that, the video on the DVD looks to be VHS quality, and the sound is VERY sub-par) TOUGH TO KILL is a nihilistic Italian war film, following a bunch of soldiers as they trek through the South American wilderness in a hunt for bounty money. It's one of those films with a small cast and plenty of action, featuring characters double-crossing each other throughout. The whole thing has a gritty and downbeat atmosphere that somehow combines with the visuals to offer better than usual entertainment.<br/><br/>The film feels a little bit like the Italian WW2 movies of the late 1960s, updated with a downbeat '70s vibe. There are some touches of the Italian cannibal genre, such as the character with a wounded leg, which is no surprise given that the director is none other than Joe D'Amato, the notorious exploitation stalwart. The action is low rent but effective, and the fast pacing means at least that it's never boring. The movie was shot in the Dominican Republic and features Luc Merenda as the amoral hero and Donald O'Brien as the tough major. It reminded me of THE DIRTY SEVEN, a later D'Amato movie with Laura Gemser, which is even better.
Pandelee replied
337 weeks ago