Pandelee replied

400 weeks ago

Structural Crisis and Institutional Change in Modern Capitalism: French Capitalism in Transition
by Bruno Amable
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price: $74.99
bound: 248 pages
publisher: OUP Oxford (March 16, 2017)
lang: English
asin: B06XPJLRMM
filesize: 8299 KB

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Structural Crisis and Institutional Change in Modern Capitalism: French Capi


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9780198787815 Structural Crisis and Institutional Change in Modern Capitalism: French Capitalism in Transitionby Amable, Bruno 9780198787792 The Oxford Hand…
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Contemporary Capitalism and its Crises: Social Structure of Accumulation Theory for the 21st Century by Terrence Mcdonough (Editor), Michael Reich (Editor)…
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last edited 376 weeks ago by Pandelee
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