Pandelee replied

401 weeks ago

Camo Notebook: Arctic Blue Camouflage, 144 Pages
by IJ Publishing LLC
rating: ( reviews)

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<ul> <li>A notebook is everything you want. A Diary, Day Planner, School Notebook, Organizer, a place to doodle and more. Put simply, a notebook is the tool you need.</li> <li>144 Pages, Lined on both sides</li> <li>White Paper, Non-Refillable</li> <li>Paperback, 8 1/2" x 11"</li> <li>Undated, Unnumbered</li> </ul>

price: $6.99
bound: 144 pages
publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; 1 edition (March 10, 2017)
lang: English
isbn: 1544602073, 978-1544602073,
weight: 15.5 ounces (

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last edited 376 weeks ago by Pandelee
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