Digimon Tamers is about a boy named Takato who is a fan of Digimon. He believes its only a game until he swipes a mysterious card into his card reader, and gets a D-arc. He draws a Digimon he names Guilmon, and swipes it through the D-arc and Guilmon becomes real. He then meets Rika, and Henry. They battle with Digimon called Devas, who are after Calumon, a mysterious Digimon who has the power to help Digimon digivolve. Impmon, who picks on Calumon and dislikes the Digimon Tamers makes a deal with the Devas, that if they help him digivolve, he has to destroy the Digimon Tamers. Takato, Rika and Henry are then joined by Takato's friends Jeri, Kazu, and Kenta, and Henry's sister Suzie, who wish to be Digimon Tamers also. Jeri, Kazu, and Kenta, and Suzie soon get Digimon of their own, Leomon, Guardromon, and MarineAngemon, and a Deva who turns good named Antylamon. After all the other Devas are defeated, the Digimon Tamers meet Ryo a Digimon fan who helps the Digimon Tamers. The Digimon Tamers then meet an enemy, called the D-Reaper who started attacking the real world. The Digimon Tamers soon find their way home, and plan to battle the D-Reaper. Impmon now digivolved into Beelzemon becomes good and meets up with his Tamers Ai, and Mako, and helps to rescue Jeri who has been captured by the D-Reaper. The Digimon Tamers then battle the D-Reaper and win, and all the Digimon go back to the Digital World. Everything goes back to normal until Takato finds another portal to the Digital World. An animated series based on the popular children's toy "Digimon", in which kids raise electronic monsters to fight against those raised by other kids. The show follows the adventures of a team of real monster trainers as they travel about honing their skills and facing challenges from rival trainers. This one follows some time after the wonderful season 2,although the plot is not connected.It,s about 3 new kids,each with different purposes with there Digimon,until they meet the true enemys,and it isn't Hypnos,although they are nosy.Very good action,good drama,and a good plot,definetly for Anime or Digimon fans. Hey, this is Blackguilmon here. You may know me from such forums as With The Will, The Digiport, and DATS. Now that I have watched the first four seasons, and some of the fifth season with subtitles, I feel I can now truly review this season to compare it to the rest.<br/><br/>First of all, the ending was the best out of all seasons because it was sad but had a silver lining that suggested that Takato got to keep his promise to Guilmon, the one he made saying that he would come play with him again. I was crying during Takato's ending monologue, the voice actor did a wonderful job sounding depressed.<br/><br/>Compared to the other season endings…<br/><br/>Season one is the only ending that comes close to Tamers heart-felt ending. They had to leave their friends behind, and you didn't know if they would ever see each other again. It was sad, but not as sad as Tamers. Why? Because, Tamers not only developed the children, it actually developed the digimon as well as the adults for once.<br/><br/>Season two ended and I was really disappointed with it. It was a really happy ending, but I could have done without them all being grown up. I also didn't like the fact that all the children had digimon, it made the original eight kids seem less special, as if just about anyone could have saved the digital world. They also didn't really develop the characters or digimon real well. <br/><br/>Season Four… I'm indifferent. It wasn't really happy or sad. They developed a bond with their spirits, but the bond didn't really carry through the screen and into my heart like season three and one. I just… Can't decide what I think about this ending…<br/><br/>All in all, Tamers had a darker, more realistic plot. I'm watching the Japanese version now and I'm liking it more and more with each episode. So much was cut out when it was dubbed into the American version, things that are, granted, sometimes not good for children to see. It was, after all, a children's show in America.<br/><br/>My favorite character was Guilmon. Guilmon first won my heart over when he digivolved to Growlmon and defeated Devidramon. Then, afterwords, Takato became scared of Growlmon. You know what Growlmon did? He started crying. A gigantic dinosaur the size of a small condo is crying because he scared a little boy. I also loved his childish personality. So far, my favorite part of the show is in the Japanese version, Guilmon and Renamon are together and Terriermon walks up and sings a Japanese equivalent of "Guilmon and Renamon, sittin' in a tree" or something, and they both beat the stuffing out of him. It was taken out of the American version of course.<br/><br/>Overall, Tamers was the best season in my opinion, and I'm glad that the newly made forums, DATS, is subbing the Japanese version for all to enjoy.
Pandelee replied
337 weeks ago