Vietnam War veteran, Lincoln Clay, returns home after a grueling war. Ready to get back in the real world he reunites with his family only to realize they owe money to the Italian Mafia. When his family gets brutally murdered and an attempt on his life causes him to fall into a coma, Clay vows to enact revenge against the man on top who's responsible for taking everything away from him, Italian mob boss Sal Marcano. Lincoln Clay is back from the Vietnam War, and he joined a gang, searching for people to call "family." When they are crossed and brutally killed by the Italian mob, Clay vows to get revenge on the Italian Mafia. Joining him are his lieutenants Cassandra, Burke, and Vito Scaletta The mob double crosses muscle bound African American Vietnam veteran Lincoln Clay and executes him with a show in the head. Fate dictates that he would not die in that violent act and a one man army bloody revenge on the powerful city Kingpin and his gangs ensues.<br/><br/>I love action movies almost as no other genre, well with the exception of horror. <br/><br/>if you ever wondered having been Rambo a product of the 60's how the Blaxploitation Cinema era would have treated the subject, well this game is the best possible answer to that.<br/><br/>There was Blackenstein and Blackula, the wonderful Shaft Movies with Richard Roundtree were an answer to the tough white rogue cop. The black Bullitt. <br/><br/>I'm gonna digress a lot in this review because i love this game so much since it touches a lot of passions of mine not only in video games but specially in movies. <br/><br/>So as i was saying, the 70's where awesome for genre action and crime movies like The Godfather, the aforementioned Bullitt or Dirty Harry but also their over the top B versions like everything Italy churned out as homages/exploitation of those movies: stuff like Live Like a Cop, Die Like A Man (1976) or Wipeout! (1973) Rome Armed to the Teeth (|1976) Holy Crap! If you haven't seen those movies you can't begin to imagine how much kickassery is contained in their duration time! <br/><br/>Those movies where the reaction of exploitative producers to the USA movie hits, but with all the subtlety left out. "Yeah yeah , great cinematography, character development and dialogue man but let's cut to the goons being blown apart by shotguns blasts already!" <br/><br/>And THAT is what this game is about!<br/><br/>Sure, there's a lot of characters, and plenty (skippable) dialogue scenes and they are very well written and the cgi characters even show uncannily subtle expressions! But what you gonna love if you are anything like me is just sneaking through gangsters or white supremacist territory all over "New Bordeaux" and shoot them down like the rage of God! All while playing it as a huge black MoFo dressed exactly like Stallone at the beginning of First Blood! <br/><br/>This is Boss N*gger (1975) meets Massacre Mafia Style (1975) in a video game- Hadn't had this much fun sin GTA San Andreas or Manhunt, i'm loving every minute of it and i can't recommend it vehemently enough! (After he and his friends are betrayed the Italian mob, Lincoln clay sets out on a bloody path of revenge to murder everyone that works for sal Marcano including sal himself.)<br/><br/>the six years was totally worth the wait, especially since I was dying to know what happened to joe barbaro (he's alive). mafia 3 is way better than the first two and one of the best games I've ever played, it's both a great gangster and revenge story, it has all the 60's isms like a great soundtrack, fast cars, and cool clothes, great voice acting, a badass protagonist, and tons of bloody action and brutal gore (even more than the first two), as well as suspense and drama too since it's a dark game. My only complaint is the lack of clothing stores, but other than that, it kicks ass. do yourself a favor and go buy it, get the deluxe edition though, it has the season pass and family kick back DLC which comes with awesome goodies, it's worth the purchase. now I'm just for the three story expansions to be released <br/><br/>These were the highlights for me<br/><br/>1. The KKK Shootout (It was so satisfying murdering those assholes)<br/><br/>2. The Amusement Park Shootout (a nod to zombie land if you ask me)<br/><br/>3. The Riverboat Shootout (definitely a nod to under siege)
Pandelee replied
338 weeks ago